We specialize in residential & commercial exterior pressure washing, roof soft-washing, paver and concrete sealing, pool cages, decks, awnings, driveways, sidewalks, mobile homes, RVs, and building exteriors.
So Fresh So Clean offers high-power-friendly pressure washing for businesses, property management companies, warehouses, office buildings, apartment complexes, and more. Nasty discolored build up no problem our team is here to help your business look clean and professional.
Our cleaning procedure eliminates algae, grime, dust, and moss from your houses, concrete pathways, driveway, windows, and more with great efficiency. At So Fresh So Clean we’re well-qualified and fully-trained in best practices in professional pressure washing.

We are proud to be the highest rated, most reviewed pressure washing service in Polk County.
Who We Are
We are committed to providing quality service and building great relationships. We pay attention to the details, so your business becomes more than just one transaction for us – it’s an opportunity year after year! Our distinction lies in upholding integrity bound by fairness honesty personal responsibility. We keep a watchful eye on what matters most combined with the ability to be true professionals who take pride in delivering excellence every time!

Giuseppe Cotroneo

Tisha Prabhakar

Our team is fully licensed and insured in compliance with city codes and state requirements. Our insurance policies cover any on-the-job injuries, so you don’t get stuck with the liability should an accident occur.